Chris & Paula Richardson

East Africa Subregion, Indian Ocean Islands (Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion, Seychelles, Mayotte, and Comoros), Leadership Development Africa, Reaching Africa’s Children & Youth

Chris & Paula Richardson

After graduating from Texas Bible College in 1993, Chris & Paula Richardson started working in Madagascar under the Associates in Missions program in March 1994. Both Chris and Paula are missionary kids: he is the son of Jerry and Vickie Richardson (retired – Madagascar/Africa Regional Director), and she is the daughter of Don and Linda Clenney (retired – Mauritius/Madagascar). The Richardsons received a full missionary appointment to Madagascar in 1996.

In 2020, the Richardsons’ appointment was expanded to include the other Indian Ocean Islands: Mauritius, Reunion, Seychelles, Mayotte, and Comoros. Mauritius, Reunion, and Seychelles have established works and were overseen by Missionaries Randall and Theresa Richardson until they retired in late 2020. Mayotte was opened at the end of 2021 when an African regional Missionary family from Madagascar finally made it on-site after waiting two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Comoros is the last remaining country that does not have a UPCI presence. However, a pastor from Madagascar intends to open the work there in 2024. Pray that the proper doors will open for this to happen.

On the field, Chris works closely with and advises the different National Boards of each nation, helping coordinate national events and make plans for the future. He tries to cast a continual vision for growth. Chris is also the coordinator for Leadership Development Africa (a Vision For Africa ministry that provides training for leaders across Africa).

Paula works with the national ladies’ ministries, develops new literature for the national churches, and oversees the printing efforts. She also serves as coordinator for Reaching Africa’s Children & Youth (a Vision For Africa ministry that promotes Sunday School and local church ministries that target children and youth).

Chris and Paula work closely with the Bible School programs of each island. Madagascar now has four full-time campuses. Mauritius and Reunion are doing part-time studies. These schools and education programs all follow the GATS curriculum at one level or another.

Nearly 1,300 churches are now established across Madagascar and the other Indian Ocean Islands, and the Richardsons minister in local churches,  conferences, and many other regional and national events in each nation.

The Richardsons have two children, Richae and Jared, who are both back in the United States and heavily involved in the churches they attend. Richae lives in the St. Louis area and has gone on AIM twice. Jared, who married Tiffany in 2020, lives in Tennessee and helps in the local church they attend in any way they can. Jared and Tiffany also plan to do at least one AIM assignment and see where God leads them from there.


Chris: August 23
Paula: November 22


June 5, 1992

Regional Ministries

Chris: Coordinator of Leadership Development Africa
Paula: Coordinator of Reaching Africa’s Children & Youth

Social Media / Website

Website: UPC Indian Ocean Islands
Facebook: UPCIOI
Instagram: upc.ioi
